If you love to listen to audio erotica and audio porn, then you most likely fantasize about creating your own to share with other people. There’s almost nothing that’s more stimulating than the idea of another person listening to you while they pleasure themselves and try to imagine exactly what you look like and how you’d feel to them. The only thing you need to know is where to publish your audio porn once you create it. It’s going to depend on a few different factors that you’ll have to settle on before you can start sharing.
Types of Audio Porn
The type of audio porn that you create is going to be the biggest factor in figuring out where you can publish it. It pays to know a little about audio erotica and audio porn to help you decide how you want to titillate other people. Audio erotica is typically produced content with a narrator and sound effects. The type of content is still up to you, though. There’s audio erotica based on talking about something and then there’s erotica based on talking to someone. Just imagine the difference between listening to a story and having someone tell you what to do or how to touch yourself. Both types are very popular ways to make your erotica. Audio porn can be considered a little bit differently. This is typically when someone records actual sex acts. The sex acts can be between you and someone else or simply feature sex between other people that you record. It can also be nothing but you having sex with yourself. As long as there’s plenty to listen to, there will always be a large market for sex sounds. You don’t have to choose one and stick with it, either. You can switch up and share whatever you want, whenever you want.
How to Record Audio
Once you know what kind of audio porn you want to make, you just have to know how to record the audio. Audio editing is a very involved process, so we’ll just focus on recording for now. If you’re using your phone, there are plenty of apps that you can download to quickly make your erotica. One of the most popular audio recording apps for Android is Voice Recorder. If you’re on an iPhone then you might want to check out Voice Recorder & Audio Editor for an all in one app.
No matter what kind of audio erotica you’re making, a microphone is always going to make it sound better. That doesn’t mean you need one, though. If you’re just making porn for fun and not money, then there’s no real reason to shell out a bunch of money for a state of the art mic. Your phone will be more than capable of being used as a recording device. You can also consider the webcam that came with your laptop. Simply talk to it and you’ll be well on your way toward sharing your own porn.
List of Apps that Share User Erotica
1. Quinn
Quinn is a very popular audio erotica app that lets users share anything from guided masturbation to sex stories.
2. Audio Desires
Audio Desires is a web app that lets anyone share their audio porn on their community pages.
3. Spreaker
Spreaker is a massive podcast destination with a large section dedicated to audio erotica. Anyone can sign up to share their own for free.
4. Girl on the Net
Girl on the Net is a different animal than any of the other apps. This is simply a girl who makes her own porn and she’s always accepting scripts. She can fully voice and produce your words and share them on her site.
5. Reddit
/r/GoneWildAudio is a massive subreddit with thousands of members. What makes it great to share is that they let anyone in the group post their own content. There are a few rules to follow, but they let you know what they are. You just have to upload your files to a hosting site and share them in the feed.
Literotica is a giant site that’s been around for decades, so they have to get their own entry. The first thing to understand is that they have an audio section that’s there for real people to post their own audio erotica. Just like Reddit, this site is massive and there are thousands of files for anyone to enjoy. You can upload your own and all you have to do is create an account on the site. It’s free to do and then you’re off and running. Once you start posting, other people will be able to follow you and message you about the work they love. It’s a large community and it’s constantly growing.
Find your Niche
If your main goal is to get as many people enjoying your erotica as possible, you have to find your niche and figure out what they enjoy hearing. For instance, if you like writing narratives with lots of sound effects, you’ll want to look at the apps and sites that focus on them and which genres the users prefer. If you like giving guided masturbation sessions, then you’ll likely end up on a different app or site with a completely different set of preferences. Once you figure out which pieces of content get the most plays, shoot for the niches they’re using.
Conclusion: Share all you Want
Those are the best things to consider when you share your audio erotica and the best places to do it. No matter where you end up, just share what you enjoy and share it with as many people as you want. There’s no reason to shoot for a niche that you don’t enjoy just to get listens. Just do it for fun first and see what comes of it. Share what you’re passionate about and you’re always going to have a good time while you do it and it will keep you making more.